Are you ready to start your learning adventure with Langu?
lessons given a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ rating
students who've reached their goals
qualified and trusted teachers
The best language teachers
Professional, experienced, and friendly. Only the best make onto our platform!
Simple and reliable technology
Modern, fun, and easy-to-use virtual classroom. Interactive lessons with video, text, pictures and more!
Private lessons, your schedule
Mornings, afternoons or evenings? Schedule lessons flexibly around other commitments.
Personalised learning plan
We will match you with a teacher best suited to you and your goals.
How does it work?
Find a teacher
Search by language, level, speciality or availability to find the right tutor to help you reach your goals.
Schedule a lesson
Choose times that fit your schedule: the same slot every week, or mix it up — it’s up to you!
When the time comes, enter the classroom with one click and start learning.
Buy a single lesson, or a package of 5 or 10 lessons that can be scheduled at any time.
Who is Langu for?
For Business Professionals
Learn to communicate effectively with clients and colleagues, both in professional and casual settings.
For Kids
Our friendly and patient tutors will help make language learning fun for your child.
For Hobbyists & Polyglots
Our tutors are keen travelers and language nerds, just like you!
Looking for company lessons?
We also work with managers and HR departments to provide language lessons for teams.
Anyone can learn a language!
All ages, levels and needs are welcome. Our language teachers are well-prepared and will work with you to achieve your goals.
What languages can you learn with Langu?
Our tutors
Choose from over 250+ inspiring teachers who have received 100,000+ 5-star reviews from students all over the world.
A virtual classroom built just for online language learning
Simple and reliable
Our classroom is fun and immersive, designed with language students and teachers in mind:
- live HD audio/video connection
- interactive whiteboard
- share resources in real time: pictures, PDFs, videos and more
Latest reviews from happy students
98% of lessons taken on Langu are given a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ rating
You are in good company
Are you ready to start your learning adventure with Langu?
Frequently asked questions
Thinking of becoming an online language teacher?
Are you a passionate communicator who loves teaching and technology?
We’d love to talk to you!